Characteristics of a Team
A team is a group of people whose skills are reciprocal to each other to achieve a common objective.
The following are the 11 common characteristics/features of an effective team.
Inspiring Goal and Unified Commitment
The team contains a clear goal communicated to all members.
Well-accepted goals inspire the members. All the members show unified commitment.
With the total commitment from the team members organizational goals would be achieved more easily.
Shared Goal
In addition to the inspiring goal, a team also has a common goal.
All the members of a team have one thing in common that is they all are directed to achieve a shared goal.
Management creates teams and assigns a specific task or goal to each team and members of each team should be focused on achieving the assigned goal.
Members Have Complementary Skills
Teams are formed with the members having complementary skills required to accomplish the team task.
All team members’ skills should be supportive of each other. The productivity of teams can be improved through a coordinated effort.
Mutual Accountability
Team members are interdependent.
One’s actions affect the performance of the whole team.
Everyone’s contribution is appreciated when the team goal is achieved.
And, everyone is held accountable for the performance of the team.
No one is blamed, underestimated, or overestimated when things go wrong during teamwork.
Every team member has individual and team accountability.
Collaborative Climate
Commitment from team members and good leadership lead to a collaborative team with a productive work environment.
Appreciation, as well as appraisal, is required to keep the morale of the team high which is done with mutual understanding and acceptable norms.
Each member supports to other as each member has individual as well as team accountability.
Practice of Leadership
In teamwork, leadership is practiced.
A team leader is appointed to every team with the necessary power and duties and is held accountable for the performance of his team.
Leaders should clarify each member’s role and how their contribution will help to accomplish the team’s goal.
It is impossible to generate synergy by a person.
In teams, the synergy effect is generated through the coordinated effort of all team members.
Compatibility and Mutual Trust
Team members should have mutual trust and respect for one another.
If there is mistrust among team members the desired goals can not be achieved.
Similarly, team members should be able to work together comfortably.
Related: The 5 Types of Teams
Two-Way Communication
Communication is a fundamental part of an effective team.
A team should have an open and two-way communication system. It is necessary that the team leader appropriately share the mission of the team among members.
Members should also be allowed to comment on the team settings.
Effective Feedback System
Thinking out of the box is essential for team performance.
Members are carefully listened to and give thoughtful feedback. Listening is an important skill for any team leader.
The thoughts and ideas of each member have to be listened to, with respect.
Similarly, the performance of each team member should be reviewed properly and necessary measures should be applied when needed.
Realistic Deadlines
One of the characteristics of an effective team is that it has realistic deadlines.
Each team has a specific task and a realistic time frame to accomplish the task. To attain the goal, teams receive external support as well as aid.
Coordination among team members is vital to achieving standard jobs at the right time.
Hence, these are the 11 notable characteristics of teams in the workplace.
Read Next: Teams Vs. Groups

Joshep Mahesh holds Bachelor in Management (BiM) Degree. He loves to share his business knowledge in his free time.