What are Management Skills?
Management skills or managerial skills refer to managers’ ability to do a given task effectively. A manager should have the necessary skills to effectively manage resources and execute the necessary tasks.
When a manager has good skills he might perform better even above expectation but when he does not have the necessary skills the whole organizational performance may decrease.
The manager is an important body of the organization, the skills, qualities, and performance of the manager greatly determine the achievement of the organizational goals.
Management skills can be learned and developed. A manager should possess the following skills to effectively run the organization.
Human Skill
The difficult part of being a human being is being a human. We all have emotions and feelings.
We all feel fear, sadness, joy, disappointment, happiness, and other emotions.
The human skills of management are about understanding people in the organization.
Managers with good human skills can better understand employees, inspire them, motivate them, and can easily extract the best efforts from their subordinates.
A manager with such skills can lead subordinates to successfully manage the groups and coordinate them effectively.
Technical Skill
Technical skill is about the ability to effectively use different tools, machines, and equipment in the process of doing tasks. A manager should have technical skills in some field.
Technical skills are mainly significant to lower and middle-level managers.
For example, a lower-level manager should know how different tools work as if he has to supervise a mechanic.
The technical skill also includes the ability to read numbers.
A manager should read and understand different (past) reports of the organization and make relevant decisions.
Good Communication
To be a successful manager communication skills are a must.
He must convey his messages to subordinates in a way they must understand what he seeks to say.
Managers must communicate different tasks and projects to subordinates.
Clear communication helps employees to better understand the matters, reduces confusion, and makes relevant decisions themselves.
For good communication employees’ comments, feedback, and concerns are necessary to listen.
The manager must develop two-way communication and create an environment where employees feel free to communicate their thoughts. For a strong relationship, good communication is also a foundation.
Builds Good Relationships
An organization is a social setting. People work here. And they work better when they have good mutual understanding and relationships.
Effective communication is the foundation for building a stronger employee-manager relationship in the workplace.
A manager must communicate respectfully with employees, prioritize their intentions, and work on creating harmony in the organization.
Not only between manager and employees, but he must also establish a productive relationship between all the elements of the organization.
In addition, he should maintain good relationships with customers as they are the ultimate means of goal achievement.
Conceptual Skill
Conceptual skill is the ability to understand and respond effectively to complex problems.
It is the ability to see the organization as a whole and know how its small elements work together.
A manager should have this skill to effectively integrate different organizations’ interests & activities, understand the given situation, how one element affects another, and predict the effects of organizational elements on overall performance.
Managers should understand the dynamic environment and how its factors i.e. political, legal, social, etc. affect the activities and performance of the organization.
Similarly, he should be able to necessary plans and strategies to cope with the dynamic environment.
Conflict Management
Conflicts are common in the organization. When views between two persons do not match conflicts arise.
When a manager’s actions hurt employees conflicts arise. When management decisions do not match with employees’ interests conflicts arise.
There are different reasons knowingly or unknowingly conflicts arise in the workplace.
A manager should be able to see these conflicts as opportunities. He should manage such conflicts for the sake of desired goals and achievement in time.
Also Read: What is an Organization Goal?
In work, as in life, things will not always go smoothly. But our response to obstacles and surprises doesn’t have to be negative.
Due to the uncertain external environment, all the decisions made by managers might not work. Or, an effective plan today may fail in the future.
The only way to match with changing competition and environment is by being flexible.
A manager should have the flexible skill to adapt to changing requirements and situations. Moreover, he should welcome suggestions and ideas for solving problems from the employees.
Good Decision Maker
A saying often goes “A right decision is equal to the completion of 50% of work”.
A manager’s task is to make different decisions for different activities that are relevant to the achievement of goals.
He should make the right decisions that match organizational resources, employee competencies, and environmental threats & opportunities.
In addition, sometimes the decision may not always be right but a good manager should learn from bad ones to make it right the next time. He should not forget a good or right decision makes goal achievement easier.
A Good Representative
People are highly influenced by the public image of the organization. A manager does not present himself only rather he also represents the whole organization.
As he is good with organizational members he should also be good with the public.
Such activities of managers create a good image outside the organization. A good public image is desirable for the success of the firm.
Conclusion… These are some of the skills managers should possess for efficiency and effectiveness in work and the achievement of desired organizational goals.
But these are not limited, they should learn and develop other skills when new conflicting situations arise.
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Joshep Mahesh holds Bachelor in Management (BiM) Degree. He loves to share his business knowledge in his free time.